War Chamber calculator
Copy and paste the entire members list (under Gang->Member list) into the text field below.
The stats list being pasted into the calculator is...
The new stats list
The old stats list + LA, begging, and intelligence columns
The old stats list + LA column
The old stats list
Fields marked with * may not be available if you are using an older members list.
When calculating total stats... Display settings:
Weight: Sort by:
Weight: Sort type:
Weight: Round total stats: decimal places.
Weight: List (if present):

Separate tags with commas. If your gang tag is placed before and after the player's name
(/Name\ as opposed to /GANG\ Name), place %name% between the halves (/%name%\)

Written by Mike Tyndall. HW1 Bloody Harry (95952) HW2 Mike ® (11047)
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